The Best War Ever

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Personal message from yours truly

Ok, so this will be my first non-news item post. My first "feely touchy" post to gauge who is reading me and see what other people think about what I put on here. So here goes. You know in reading through all the blogsphere (yes unfortunately I am now part of) I see a lot of people talk about Cindy Sheehan and whats going on "out there in Crawford." See heres what I dont get, without naming names and calling people out, we KNOW that we were right about the war not having any basis in reality. We KNOW that there was no exit strategy. We KNOW that the US has had to back-pedal on its initial expectations on what was possible in Iraq. We KNOW that Cindy Sheehan is NOT standing on the corpse of her dead son to make a political statement other than, we need the truth. As a citizen of this country, I (like anyone who can read this) should tolerate only so much misleading information both from the press AND/OR the government (which in some instances are all too easily linked.) I realize that Presidents dont apologize, because that would mean they are fallable and in the eyes of the world that shows weakness. But with President Bushes numbers in the toilet and only about 3 in 10 now thinking hes doing a decent job of handling the war, when will enough be enough? Yes I went to Crawford, yes I stood and listened to Cindy and others talk about the loss of their sons, daughters, husbands and wives. They say that a parent should never have to suffer the death of their child and that pain is very real. I can only imagine what its like to KNOW that your loved one gave their life under false pretense and that NO one will even apologize for it. Ok so this is rambling a big but the point I want to make is this. The people on the other side of the fence ..... the ones shouting to Cindy on Saturday "We dont care" while we had a moment of silence or the one who ran over the crosses on that little road in Crawford, how can you still not see? At what point can we make you realize that we're Americans JUST like you. We want our kids and your kids to be safe and just to come home. That the time for loss of life should be over.


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