As you may have heard
There was a little peace protest in DC this weekend, with over 100,000 citizens taking to the streets and wanting what we've wanted since day one, bring our troops home now. It still amazes me at this point that you can hear so many people that claim that myself and all of the people that stand at these rallies, that somehow we dont care about our troops, that somehow we dont believe in them or their mission. When their mission is built off of a lie (that is now a documented lie) how can they say that? I guess with the same fortitude that says that "if you dont support our President, how can you support our troops," which seems to be the purveying attitude of people who want to continue to believe that their children and loved ones are in harms way to somehow keep us safe from terrorism. Not to be outdone though, on Sunday, there was a pro-war, pro-Bush rally in DC as well. I think there were 400 people there. Now, lets do the math here, 100,000 on Saturday in DC alone (George Galloway said that there were 100,000 in London that day as well) so lets estimate a Quarter of a million people and thats a conservative number, so 250,000 - 400 = not enough to make me change my mind. I have been part of this for over 3 years now. I was at one of the first Anti-war protests in Dallas with about 100 of my fellow citizens, cried when Bush said that the bombing of Baghdad had started, was overwhemled when he claimed that 10 million people protesting were a "focus group" and here we are still waiting and still protesting. People have often asked me, if I feel that this is the right thing to do, I will look at them and say, how can it not be? Do you not honour the men and women serving in the military? How can I not, I dont want another of them to die in my name over a LIE. I may not be the most virtuous human being on the planet but I will say this, my heart and conscious are never wavering when it comes to support peace. People have accused me of Bush bashing to which I reply, give me a Democrat who lies about his reasons for invading a country, puts troops in harms way, slaughters thousands if not hundreds of thousands of citizens of another country and I will stand up and shout JUST as loud. This is not about what "party" you belong to but about whats right and wrong. Killing in the name of peace is not a place to start from.
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