The Best War Ever

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lets do the math

The following is from an ABC news story that was posted today, talking about the potential of the Avian flu virus outbreak in the US.

The draft of Bush's report predicts as many as 200 million Americans would be infected and 200,000 Americans would die.

NOW if you go back and read what I posted on October 10th, you will see:

"The 381-page draft plan, leaked by health officials who claim that it contains fundamental failures, predicts that a full-scale outbreak could kill as many as 1.9 million Americans and put 8.5 million in hospital at a cost of more than $450 billion"

Does anyone know why these numbers vary SO vastly?

Heres more to add to this puzzle:

October 23/2005 - Just when you thought you understood, and were getting over the fact that Vice President Dick Cheney and his inner elite cabal orchestrated the pretext for the war on Iraq as a massive oil scandal with him being the x-CEO and current inside-tracker, to and for Haliburton - it gets worse.

If you do a little research on Donald Rumsfeld you will see that the avian flu and the ominous pandemic supposedly headed our way is actually another pretext for profits and fear mongering.

Enter Gilead Corporation, who 10 years ago, gave Roche Manufacturers the sole rights to market and sell Tamiflu (but now has rescinded the deal).

Tamiflu has recently been proven to be virtually useless in avian flu prevention, and has been shown to actually accelerate mutations of the bird flu strain.

If you ask Vietnam how Tamiflu works on the bird flu...they'll tell you it is ineffective. Yet it it being touted throughout the US, Canada, and Britiain, of course, as the one thing available to save us from bird flu and are stepping-up production.

War Tsar, Donald Rumsfeld, in 1997 was exalted to chairmen of the Gilead Corporation (creators of Tamiflu), and holds significant shares in the company. As the bird flu scare winds-up Tamiflu stands to pull in record amounts of cash and now deals are bing worked out between a multitude of companies wanting to manufacture Tamiflu. Just follow the money - who stands to profit?

In 1999 Gilead acquired NeXstar Pharmaceuticals of Boulder, Colorado. In the same year, Roche announced first approval of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) for the treatment of influenza. Tamiflu was originally discovered by Gilead and licensed to Roche for late-Phase development and marketing.

In January 2003 Gilead completed its acquisition of Triangle Pharmaceuticals. The company also announced its first full year of profitability.

Just like Dick Cheney claimed to have stepped down from Haliburton (but continues to receive millions from them and award them no-bid contracts in Iraq and New Orleans) Rumsfeld too stood-down from the Gilead Sciences Board in January 2001 when he was appointed Secretary of Defense at the start of George W. Bush's first term as President. It's all very neat and tidy.

Yet more to add .......

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has recused himself from government decisions concerning medications to prevent or treat avian flu, rather than sell his stock holdings in the company that patented the antiviral agent Tamiflu, according to a Pentagon memorandum issued Thursday.

The memorandum, to Mr. Rumsfeld's staff from the Pentagon general counsel, said the defense secretary would not take part in decisions that may affect his financial interests in Gilead Sciences Inc.

Before becoming defense secretary in January 2001, Mr. Rumsfeld was chairman of Gilead. On each of his annual financial disclosure statements, he has listed continued stock holdings in the company.

Gilead holds the patent on Tamiflu, but contracts for it are signed with an American subsidiary of F. Hoffman-LaRoche Ltd., which holds marketing and manufacturing rights.

Mr. Rumsfeld will remain involved in matters related to the Pentagon response to an outbreak, so long as none affect Gilead.

Am I reaching you yet?

Tamiflu(c), manufactured by Roche, a Swiss company, is the FDA approved medicine purported to be an effective treatment for influenza. It has been around for years but hasn't sold well due to the lack of a large influenza epidemic in the world. The threatened Bird Flu pandemic has changed that. Now stocks of Tamiflu(c) are in great demand and large quantities are impossible to secure. Roche is backlogged for years into the future. World health authorities including the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) are urging Roche to license other companies to make the drug, but they are resisting, claiming the drug-making process takes a year and that it would take new makers three years to get tooled up and that the main ingredient is in limited supply. They have been caught in a lie, however. Within hours of Roach's public statements about the unfeasibility of allowing other entities to make their newly crowned "blockbuster" drug and perhaps save millions of inhabitants of planet earth, several potential makers, two of them governments have stepped up and revealed their plans to "break" the Tamiflu(c) patent and start production by the end of this year, should a pandemic break out. Taiwan stated yesterday that they already had made the drug in the lab and could commence commercial production within a few months. India made a similar pronouncement in this release. Though intellectual property such as patents is important to incentivize innovation and research, in the case of Tamiflu(c), "stealing" the patent would seem to be a case of "Turn about is fair play." You see, Tamiflu(c) is but a knock-off of an ancient oriental treatment for coughs and flues. The fruit of the Chinese Star Anise tree is the starting point in the manufacture of this "modern" wonder drug. Chinese medical practitioners have used a tea of this licorice-tasting spice to treat respiratory problems for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The fruit of this Magnolia-like tree is being quickly scooped up by enterprising thinkers around the world and large, commercial quantities are already in short supply. Once the small quantities currently in the supply chain are gone, further Star Anise will not be available till the harvest next March. Roche claims to be able to synthesize the shikimic acid which is the substance extracted from Star Anise in the first stage of the manufacturing of Tamiflu(c). This reporter has at least a mild curiosity as to whether all the complex processing of making Tamiflu(c) is necessary to make a good flu treatment.

SO, once again, I'll let you draw your own conclusions. These stories are from various places around the web. If I wasnt so lazy I'd actually post the links BUT if you're interested do the following:

1. Go to
2. type in Donald Rumsfeld + Tamiflu patent + Gilead (which is what I did)
3. revel in the fact that there are 192 results for those three things together.

Realize now that there are some conspiracy laden sites listed here, so I cant be blamed for that, but the message is clear.


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