The Best War Ever

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stopping the COPE Act

For those of you who dont know what the COPE Act is go here

Go here to send the following letter to your Congressmen:

Network neutrality is critically important to the future of freedom and innovation on the Internet. Unfortunately, the Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 (COPE Act) effectively binds the hands of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), leaving Internet providers free to violate net neutrality principles in pursuit of greater profits. I strongly urge you to vote against the COPE Act.

Many Internet providers, including AT&T, Verizon and Comcast, have already announced plans to create "tiers" or "lanes" on the Information Superhighway, and to charge websites and web-based services for the ability to operate in the "fast lane." Creating a multi-tiered system would put small businesses and innovators at a significant disadvantage and stifle innovation on the Internet. Where will the next Amazon, eBay or Google come from if these telecom giants are allowed to impose costly barriers to entry? What will happen to the open and freewheeling nature of the Internet if network providers are allowed to control the flow of information?

The COPE Act jeopardizes the free and open nature of the Internet, and I urge you to vote against this flawed bill.


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