The Best War Ever

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Comments posted

AND my response
Nagin is an utter failure as a leader.

He is no Guiliani, that's for sure.

He failed to send city and school buses to the poor neighborhoods and he DARES criticize others actions?

How pathetic!

In your rush to destroy George Bush, you overlook the local failures to lead!


7:21 PM

My response:


I agree that Nagin is not the best leadership that NO could ask for, but one thing you fail to recognize is that hundreds of leaders throughout this country see this now as being a black and inpoverished issue is astounding. Read the accounts of what went on in the city while there was no help, read the accounts of what Michael Brown (head of FEMA) THOUGHT was going on as opposed to what was actually happening, you will quickly realise that one thing is certain, that this may not be a matter of politics and of policy but MORE of a matter of the US being unprepared and unaware. I am NOT bashing GWBush, but I will say this, think of ALL the disasters that have hit North America over the last 20 years and then reflect on the things that the MSM has been showing on TV for the last few days. We went from being a 1st world country to having REFUGEES overnight. You can argue with me and what I say to your last breath, but you cant argue with whats going on. Also, I realize that I cant change your mind, nor would I want to, healthy discourse encourages debate, but this is NOT about politics anymore but basic human survival.

8:52 PM

I was wondering when this would start to happen. Bring on your rhetoric. I'll make this the REAL no spin zone if I have to.


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