What did YOU do this weekend?
A showdown over a proposed state constitutional ban of same-sex marriage pitted a small Ku Klux Klan group Saturday against a massive rally by opponents.
Only about a dozen members of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan appeared at Austin City Hall for the group's "pro-family values" rally. None wore the traditional hoods or robes of the white supremacist group. Some displayed Confederate flag symbols.
"Let's meet their hate with love and understanding," Glen Maxey, an openly gay former legislator and a leader of the counter demonstration, told hundreds of opponents as they marched toward the Klan event.
At issue was Proposition 2, a proposed constitutional amendment on Tuesday's election ballot stating that marriage in Texas is only between a man and a woman.
"We're asking Texans to support Proposition 2 because God supports it, not because the KKK supports it," said Steven Edwards, the grand dragon of the Klan group.
Maxey, director of No Nonsense in November, an anti-Prop 2 campaign organization, said Tuesday's vote is important, but changing Texans' minds about discrimination is more important.
An estimated 3,000 protesters showed up during the Klan event, said Austin Police Department spokeswoman Toni Chovanetz. Two people were arrested. One was carrying a club and causing a disturbance, and another was arrested on outstanding warrants, Chovanetz said.
The city blocked off several streets to keep members of the public at least a block away from the Klan in all directions. A contingent of 200 police officers -- some wearing riot gear and at least one toting a rifle -- stood along police barricades and patrolled the area.
Many anti-Klan demonstrators carried yellow daisies, sang peace songs and chanted anti-Klan slogans. Some held banners or signs that said, "Vote Against Bigotry," "Vote Against the Klan" and "Killers, Kowards, Kooks Go Away."
Some social conservatives who are actively supporting Proposition 2 made it clear they weren't associated with the Klan event.
The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement saying it "hopes all Texans will understand the significance of an organization with a history of hatred and bigotry supporting a discriminatory amendment."
Austin Mayor Will Wynn and other city leaders had declared Saturday a "day of tolerance" and urged that citizens stay away from the Klan and do community work instead.
But many came to speak their minds and get a glimpse of a faction of the white supremacist group that got its start in Texas in the 1860s.
Yes friends, yours truly was in Austin at this event on Saturday. I have some pictures that I may eventually post (I have to get a USB cable for my camera.) Its hard to believe that there were 3000 people there. Not bad for something that was organized basically a week in advance. I (along with 4 other people) carried a banner. It was definately a very surreal moment to see police in full riot gear and the sky filled with helicopters. Yup, I think that Austin is going to be my new home in 2006.
Here are some pictures from this weekend

Only about a dozen members of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan appeared at Austin City Hall for the group's "pro-family values" rally. None wore the traditional hoods or robes of the white supremacist group. Some displayed Confederate flag symbols.
"Let's meet their hate with love and understanding," Glen Maxey, an openly gay former legislator and a leader of the counter demonstration, told hundreds of opponents as they marched toward the Klan event.
At issue was Proposition 2, a proposed constitutional amendment on Tuesday's election ballot stating that marriage in Texas is only between a man and a woman.
"We're asking Texans to support Proposition 2 because God supports it, not because the KKK supports it," said Steven Edwards, the grand dragon of the Klan group.
Maxey, director of No Nonsense in November, an anti-Prop 2 campaign organization, said Tuesday's vote is important, but changing Texans' minds about discrimination is more important.
An estimated 3,000 protesters showed up during the Klan event, said Austin Police Department spokeswoman Toni Chovanetz. Two people were arrested. One was carrying a club and causing a disturbance, and another was arrested on outstanding warrants, Chovanetz said.
The city blocked off several streets to keep members of the public at least a block away from the Klan in all directions. A contingent of 200 police officers -- some wearing riot gear and at least one toting a rifle -- stood along police barricades and patrolled the area.
Many anti-Klan demonstrators carried yellow daisies, sang peace songs and chanted anti-Klan slogans. Some held banners or signs that said, "Vote Against Bigotry," "Vote Against the Klan" and "Killers, Kowards, Kooks Go Away."
Some social conservatives who are actively supporting Proposition 2 made it clear they weren't associated with the Klan event.
The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement saying it "hopes all Texans will understand the significance of an organization with a history of hatred and bigotry supporting a discriminatory amendment."
Austin Mayor Will Wynn and other city leaders had declared Saturday a "day of tolerance" and urged that citizens stay away from the Klan and do community work instead.
But many came to speak their minds and get a glimpse of a faction of the white supremacist group that got its start in Texas in the 1860s.
Yes friends, yours truly was in Austin at this event on Saturday. I have some pictures that I may eventually post (I have to get a USB cable for my camera.) Its hard to believe that there were 3000 people there. Not bad for something that was organized basically a week in advance. I (along with 4 other people) carried a banner. It was definately a very surreal moment to see police in full riot gear and the sky filled with helicopters. Yup, I think that Austin is going to be my new home in 2006.
Here are some pictures from this weekend

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