The Best War Ever

Monday, March 27, 2006

Computers are the VCR's of this age

ok so I'm gonna bitch be aware.....

I'm sitting and listening to the office chatter that occurs around me and it seems like the one thing I consistently hear is "theres a problem with my PC," or some such varient. Now, this is pretty typical for most offices (from what I understand,) and me being the ever angry desk monkey I just want to go shit on their desks and tell them to hire a competent IT person or better yet ... Let me do it. But alas, I continue to hear the same diatribe daily. I understand that PCs are highly technical "advanced" mentality types of devices. They require that LOGICAL part of your brain to make them work. In other words, if you're smart enough to make your VCR stop flashing 12:00, then realistically you should be able to operate a PC. But yet I digress. IT has taken on a lustre of phrases like Idiots in Training, or Idle Technology or such shite like that. My counter to that is that machines are just that ..... machines. Computers are based on input and output. Yes I know that I'm marginalizing but its to make a point. It has been my theory (unofficial though it is) that most corporate people in this world would be at a total loss without their staff supporting them and most good mangers will tell you that. The ones who dont are the same people who will rant and rave, bitch and moan, about how computers make their work more difficult. That IT staff are a waste of time and resources. I will say this though, the next time you have a PC related issue, just think to yourself, how badly do you want to piss off your IT staff?


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