The Best War Ever

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Does anyone know what the term "Media Saturation" means

According to Dylan Stableford over at FishbowlNY, Rachael Ray announced to a magazine conference in Phoenix that she is going to open a "burger joint" in New York, where she will create a rotating menu based on 190 different burger recipies she's devised over the years. She won't just be making hamburgers, though; she'll put anything that can be made into a burger onto the menu, from turkey to swordfish. She also plans to make a fast-food version of the restaurant, which I'm sure will be franchised throughout the country.

So... she's got a magazine. Three Food TV shows. Cookbooks. A syndicated talk show. A soundtrack album. And now she's going to be a fast-food mogul. I think I know why I tune into her talk show every so often... I'm waiting to see her head explode.

Now, I know .. Rachel, shes a cutie, in fact my ex and I bonded over our collective drooling over Ms Ray and her cute shows, but come on now. Shes on FOUR hours a day on any given day. When will someone realize that TOO much of ANY thing is enough to just simply rot our collective brains. I guess thats why its TV though huh?

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