The Best War Ever

Thursday, February 02, 2006

From NSA to DUH!

Ok so yes I'm about to rant again ...... I was just going through some headlines from one of the news feeds I read regularly and it was announced that Britney Spears was being cast as a christian reporter for an episode of Will & Grace .... first let me say good for her. I'm glad she can still find work. I mean who can blame her for wanting to get out of the house ... Has any one heard K-Fed's rap? Who'd wanna stay in the house listening to THAT crap all day? Britney described Kevin as like Eminem but with a more postive message. You can hear his song here, but be warned that if you are at work you may want to "bite down on a wooden spoon or something to keep from laughing."

But I digress ..... it was reported elsewhere (and no I'm not posting the link to this story ... you can find it yourself) that Britney is also being courted by a Christian organization in the UK as a spokesperson (along with several other women) for role-models. Again, I say .... good for her .... at least she is still being "out there" in public, being seen, yadda yadda yadda, but the ISSUE I have with this is one thing. Well ok not ONE thing but one thing in particular. Some tabloid reported that as her and Cletus K-fed were having relationship troubles, that she had said to friends that she wanted to have another child to keep him in the relationship. Now yes I am supposing a lot here. I know its tabloid journalism, so you cant always trust them, but barring that point does ANYONE remember how her and K-Fed met? Does anyone remember that he was having an affair with her. This his girlfriend/wife/whatever was pregnant with HIS child while he was off plying the sheets with Britney? Is that the kind of role model your kids need? I know this is just a subtle little thing and if some of my friends are reading this they'll make sure to tell me that role models arent meant to be perfect. That based on what we have now, you take what you can get. I say to them thats great and all, but if we keep lowering the standards for what a "role model" is, how long will it be before we hit absolute bottom. Hey Marion Barry, not doing anything this weekend? We have a gig for you speaking at a rehab center. Come tell us how well thats working out for you. Hey John Rocker, come teach a diversity and ethnic sensitivity training seminar. Hey Martha Stewart come teach us about stock trading ethics or BEST idea, hey Dick Cheney, can you come teach us how to profit while theres a war on? Does anyone get my meaning here? Are you listening?


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