Incoming Message From the Big Giant Head
ok so this was posted a week ago on Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O'Reilly (who by the way have a new book out. Find it here on Amazon)
But anyway:
Monday's Talking Points Memo discussed the evils of a Yahweh-free media:
“There's no question the committed left-wing media hates FOX News — along with me and
some other commentators here — because we provide a balance to the overwhelming
secular presence in the media.
“Now every poll of journalists says the same thing. Secular media people outnumber
traditional media people by a huge margin. And some left-wing media companies
aggressively push their agenda in their news pages.”
Please, oh please, someone tell us what the hell O‘Reilly is talking about. What are these terms O’Reilly has made up in his sick little head? Secular media? That should be everything outside the 700 Club. And a “traditional media” to counteract them? By “traditional,” he can only mean a religious-based media. As for the “agenda,” we can only assume it is to report the news without
a Christian context.
Should the media standard be something akin to, “Well, gay marriage is now legal in
Massachusetts. Looks like there’s a lot of people there who will be burning in eternal hellfire. Now for the weather.”
Bill went on to tell us about how members of the secular media have smeared him, blah, blah, blah. And then he went on, once again, to tell us how he fought back and damaged them with his counteroffensives. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re watching a live show or any one of a hundred reruns. There’s a growing number of conspiracy theorists in this country who believe there have only been about eight episodes of the O’Reilly Factor taped and they just digitally change his ties. But Bill has widened his threat. Tonight, the wrath of Captain Splotchy would be
felt by all:
“Any media person who uses smear tactics in any way — not just on me, but any way — will be featured on ‘The Factor’ and inducted into the Hall of Shame. We will keep a running list of media smear merchants on the Web site, in addition to our ‘Don't Buy, Don't Advertise’ list.
“As you know, we debate issues all day long on this program. I have no objection to any media criticizing my stand on any matters of the day. But beginning today, the smear stops here. You guys want to do that? We'll let everybody know about it. That's called accountability.
“And that's ‘The Memo.’”
Okay, Retardo Montalban.
I'll also be posting an update on the Net Neutrality Bill and also on the New Telecom Bill later today.
But anyway:
Monday's Talking Points Memo discussed the evils of a Yahweh-free media:
“There's no question the committed left-wing media hates FOX News — along with me and
some other commentators here — because we provide a balance to the overwhelming
secular presence in the media.
“Now every poll of journalists says the same thing. Secular media people outnumber
traditional media people by a huge margin. And some left-wing media companies
aggressively push their agenda in their news pages.”
Please, oh please, someone tell us what the hell O‘Reilly is talking about. What are these terms O’Reilly has made up in his sick little head? Secular media? That should be everything outside the 700 Club. And a “traditional media” to counteract them? By “traditional,” he can only mean a religious-based media. As for the “agenda,” we can only assume it is to report the news without
a Christian context.
Should the media standard be something akin to, “Well, gay marriage is now legal in
Massachusetts. Looks like there’s a lot of people there who will be burning in eternal hellfire. Now for the weather.”
Bill went on to tell us about how members of the secular media have smeared him, blah, blah, blah. And then he went on, once again, to tell us how he fought back and damaged them with his counteroffensives. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re watching a live show or any one of a hundred reruns. There’s a growing number of conspiracy theorists in this country who believe there have only been about eight episodes of the O’Reilly Factor taped and they just digitally change his ties. But Bill has widened his threat. Tonight, the wrath of Captain Splotchy would be
felt by all:
“Any media person who uses smear tactics in any way — not just on me, but any way — will be featured on ‘The Factor’ and inducted into the Hall of Shame. We will keep a running list of media smear merchants on the Web site, in addition to our ‘Don't Buy, Don't Advertise’ list.
“As you know, we debate issues all day long on this program. I have no objection to any media criticizing my stand on any matters of the day. But beginning today, the smear stops here. You guys want to do that? We'll let everybody know about it. That's called accountability.
“And that's ‘The Memo.’”
Okay, Retardo Montalban.
I'll also be posting an update on the Net Neutrality Bill and also on the New Telecom Bill later today.
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