The Best War Ever

Friday, December 09, 2005

All I can say is

Only in Dallas:

In Dallas, people sometimes blame the chamber of commerce, the convention bureau, and other organizations for failing to shake the city's stigma -- being identified, first and foremost, with the JFK assassination.

But I don't fault any of those groups. It's an open wound that may stay open for a very long time. The most recent evidence:

On Wednesday, police closed Dealey Plaza to morning traffic "after a passer-by found a plywood rat maze scrawled with prophetic messages and attached to a kitchen timer, police said ... The 4-foot-square maze contained a live mouse or rat in an exercise ball ... Written on the maze were messages such as, 'There's never enough time,' and 'Open your eyes before it's too late.'"

This comes almost exactly two years after a man killed himself on the "X" that is said to mark the spot where the president was shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the JFK assassination, my friend -- we tried to correct the news media's impressions, but the follow-up never got done. However, the next part -- it's actually a nationwide 'wake-up call' our group is putting together -- might MAKE them get their answers... mostly harmless, of course.

Want more information... the 'scoop', as they say? E-mail me: And yeah, that IS a dummy address: but careful leaders are living ones. And I promise, I'll answer you.

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Dallas, people sometimes blame the chamber of commerce, the convention bureau, and other organizations for failing to shake the city's stigma -- being identified, first and foremost, with the JFK assassination.

At the risk of sounding lurid, perhaps the people of Dallas should stop resisting this "stigma" and embrace it, rather like the owners of the house in Massachusetts where Lizzie Borden allegedly axe-murdered her parents. Said house is now a hotel which thousands of people visit and stay in every year.

As for the incident, the instigators are certainly clever in their attempt to shake people out of the rat race they've been trapped in.

5:38 PM  

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